Journal articles and book chapters authored or co-authored by Erik Haites
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Journal/Book: |
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"Technology Transfer by CDM Projects"
Co-author(s): Maosheng Duan, Stephen Seres
August 2006
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"Allowance Banking in Emissions Trading Schemes: Theory and Practice"
August 2006
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"Linking Trading Schemes-2006-05.pdf"
Co-author(s): Xueman Wang
May 2006
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"International Emission Trading and the Cost of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Mitigation and Sequestration"
Climatic Change
Co-author(s): Michael J. Scott, James A. Edmonds, Natesan Mahasenan, Joseph M. Roop, and Anthony L. Brunello
vol. 64, no. 3, June 2004
pp. 257-287 |
"Rewarding Sinks Projects Under the CDM"
Environmental Finance
March, 2004
pp. 26 |
"Harmonisation between National and International Tradeable Permit Schemes"
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading and Project-based Mechanisms
Paris, 2004
pp. 105-118 |
"Can Kyoto Protocol Parties Induce the United States to Adopt a More Stringent Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target?"
Interdisciplinary Environmental Review
Co-author(s): Claudia Kemfert and Fanny Missfeldt
vol. 5, no. 2, December 2003
pp. 119-141 |
"Output-based Allocation as a Form of Protection for Internationally Competitive Industries"
Climate Policy
vol. 3, supplement 2, December 2003
pp. S29-S41 |
"Canada's Emissions Trading Program"
AETF Review
Co-author(s): Elizabeth DeMarco
Oct-Nov 2003
pp. 6-8 |
"Analysis of a Commitment Period Reserve at National and Global Levels"
Climate Policy
Co-author(s): Fanny Missfeldt
vol. 2, no. 1, January 2002 |
pp. 1-20 |
"The Potential Contribution of Sinks to Meeting Kyoto Protocol Commitments"
Environmental Science and Policy
Co-author(s): Fanny Missfeldt
Vol. 4, 2001
pp. 269-292 |
"'Bubbling' and the Kyoto Mechanisms"
Climate Policy
vol. 1, no. 1, January 2001
pp. 109-116 |
"Liability Rules for International Greenhouse Gas Trading"
Climate Policy
Co-author(s): Fanny Missfeldt
vol. 1, no. 1, January 2001
pp. 85-108 |
"Quantifying Kyoto Workshop Summary"
Climate Policy
Co-author(s): Christiaan Vrolijk, Michael Grubb, and Bert Metz
vol. 1, no. 1, January 2001
pp. 141-144 |
"The Changing Climate for Emissions Trading in Canada"
RECEIL, Review of European Community & International Environmental Law
Co-author(s): Tallat Hussain
vol. 9, no. 3, 2000
pp. 264-275 |
"The Clean Development Mechanism: Proposals for its Operation and Governance"
Global Environmental Change
Co-author(s): Farhana Yamin
vol. 10, no. 1, 2000
pp. 27-45 |
"Suitability of Non-Energy Greenhouse Gases for Emissions Trading"
Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases: Scientific Understanding, Control and Implementation
(J. van Ham, A.P.M. Baede, L.A. Meyer, and R. Yebma eds.)
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Co-author(s): Angelo Proestos
pp. 417-424 |
"Carbon Sequestration in Soils"
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Co-author(s): J.P. Bruce, M. Frome, H. Janzen, R. Lal, and K. Paustian
v. 54, n. 1, Jan.-Mar. 1999
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"Industry Initiatives in Emission Reduction Trading for Smog mitigation in Eastern Canada and Bordering Airsheds"
Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: Technologies for Activities Implemented Jointly
P.W.F. Reimer, A.Y. Smith and K.V. Thambimuthu, eds., Elsevier Science Ltd. (Pergamon), Oxford
Co-author(s): Brian Jantzi
pp. 367-370 |
"Energy Implications of Future Stabilization of Atmospheric CO2 Content"
Co-author(s): Martin Hoffert and 10 other co-authors
Oct. 11, 1998
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"Emissions Trading for Greenhouse Gases in Canada"
Policy Options
vol. 19, no. 4, May 1998
pp. 20-24 |
"Climate Change Damages: What Do We Do about Them?"
The Assessment of Climate Change Damages
Harry Audus, ed., IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme, Cheltenham, U.K.
Jan. 1998
pp. 17-38 |
"Toward Systems of Tradeable Emissions Permits"
Co-author(s): Luc Gagnon
vol. 25, Autumn, 1997
pp. 62-64 |
"Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The Additional Benefits"
Issue 4, Canadian Global Change Program, Ottawa, 1996
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"Dealing with Uncertainty in Climate Change Policy Decisions"
no.19, Winter 1996
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